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Pupil Premium Spend

Birdwell School receives extra funding to help improve the attainment of disadvantaged pupils.  The Pupil Premium grant is designed to allow schools to help certain groups of pupils by improving their progress and results they achieve.


Pupil Premium funding is allocated to Birdwell School based on the number of pupils we have in each of the following groups:

  • Free school meals
  • Looked-after and previously looked-after children


To find out if your child is eligible for Free School Meals, please apply online via the North Somerset Council free school meals web page.    


In addition, Birdwell School receives Service Premium funding to provide pastoral support to pupils who have a parent who is serving in HM Forces or has retired on a pension from the Ministry of Defence.


Our school leaders are responsible for deciding how the Pupil Premium funding is spent.  Plans are based on the pupils' needs and funding is directed to achieve improvements in pupil attainment.   Birdwell School follows advice and guidance from the Department of Education and Education Endowment Foundation and takes a tiered approach to targeting spending across teaching, academic support and wider approaches, with a focus on teaching quality by investing in the professional development of our staff. 


Further information is available from the Department of Education web page regarding Pupil Premium funding.  

Birdwell School Pupil Premium Strategy 2024-25
