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Safeguarding - what should I do if I am worried about another child?

If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child please do not hesitate to contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Paul Sainsbury, or the Deputy Safeguarding Leads Lucy Durham, Emily Downing or Annette Weir. You can also contact the Trustee in charge of Safeguarding, Clare Sutherland


If these Designated Leads are not available and/or it is out of school hours you should ring the Social Care Intake Team on 01275 888808, or you can contact the Police on 999 in an emergency.


The Designated Leads will ask you to record your concerns and they will take the necessary action, which might include contacting Social Care through the Single Point of Access (SPA). You can find safeguarding information leaflets at the office, if you would like more information.


We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the children in our community. If you have any worries, however large or small, please take a moment to share them with us.
