In Year 1 the team is Miss Hunt, Mr Nolan, Miss Piercey, Miss Penny and Mrs Walsh.
Miss Hunt and Mr Nolan are the teachers in Silver Birch. Miss Piercey is in Ash. Mrs Walsh and Miss Penny work across both classes.
Celebrations around the world!
Children in Key Stage 1 have a piece of fruit/vegetable every day at morning break. Children also have the option of having a carton of milk which needs to be paid for. If you would like your child to have milk, please see the school office.
Please send your child to school with a water bottle. We find that lots of our Year 1s have growing spurts and get extra hungry! If your child would prefer fruit/vegetable from home as a snack, then they may also bring that to school.
PE will take place on a Monday and a Wednesday, please can children come into School wearing their PE kit on those days.
Outdoor learning
Our year one outdoor learning day is Wednesday, please can children bring waterproof clothing and wellies. Unfortunately, unlike in Reception, we are unable to store wellies and waterproofs at school.
The children’s reading books are changed on a Monday and Thursday. We ask the children to put their book reading record in the box on the carpet if it needs to be changed. In line with school policy, we expect children to read at least 5 times per week, reading their School book 3 times before changing. Please record this in their reading record diary. If you want your child's book to be changed please also write ‘finished’ in the comments section.
At the front and back of the children’s reading records there is a list of keywords. These are excellent lists to practise reading at home so that your child can recognise these common words instantly by sight. Once your child can confidently read them, it is then a fantastic list of words that you might like to practise spelling with your child too.