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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Your classes are Hawthorn and Kauri.


Welcome to the Year 3 Class page. The Year 3 teachers are Mrs Cavill and Miss Pope. Miss Ashford and Mrs Bamber will be supporting across both classes this year. Mrs Seager will also be in Hawthorn class in the morning. 


This term the teachers have PPA (preparation, planning & assessment) on a Thursday morning. Children are welcome to come in with separate boots/wellies on Thursday for their forest school session with Mr Welti. Wellies are to be taken home again each Thursday to keep cloakroom clear and tidy. Children will also do forever sport on Thursday too. PE days will be Thursday and Friday for both classes. 


Our Term 1 topic is The Rainforest with Geography as the main driver behind the topic. Our knowledge organiser is on Geography - The Rainforest and Science - Light. 


We look forward to another very busy year and working with your children!



Term 1 Timetable

Mental Maths 

During Year 3, we will be teaching these mental maths skills alongside main maths lessons. Highlighted are the goals:

  • Number bonds to 100
  • Find 10 or 100 more or less. 
  • Count in multiples of 3, 4, 8, 50, 100 from 0
  • Doubling and halving


Here are some games to play to assist your child’s learning at home:

Number bonds game:

This game is number bonds to 20:

1, 10, 100 more or less:   

Flip counter is great for teaching to count up in 1s, 10s and 100s. Make it into a game by getting a point for correctly guessing the next number.

Doubles and halves
This year children are doubling and halving numbers to 100. Progression of doubling is shown below. - the children play Hit the Button for doubles and absolutely love this.
Recap doubles to 20. Eg 7 + 7 = 14

Doubles - multiples of 10. Eg 40 + 40 = 80

Doubles - teen numbers. Eg 14 + 14 = 28

Doubles -  2 digit numbers not bridging 10.   See sheet attached for example.

Doubles -  2 digit numbers bridging 10. See sheet attached for an example.




It is really important for the children to bring their reading book to school every day. As part of their morning routine, they are to put their book and water bottle by the sink. 

Reading books will be changed as needed on Monday and Thursday. We encourage children to read their book at home at least three times through. Once for decoding, again for comprehension and finally for prosody. 


Please sign the book every time you read with your child and when possible please also write a comment. If your child is a free reader, please continue to listen to your child read and comment in their record. 


Thank you

Spelling and Mathletics

Termly spellings will be available on an overview below. Please help your child to learn these spellings in the appropriate week. Generally, these spellings will be set around a spelling pattern or rule or be selected from the Y 3/4 statutory spelling list. If your child finds spelling tricky, please focus on the five green words to learn and encourage them to learn as many sounds as they can in the other words. We will also be doing activities around these words in class. We will spell check the given words every Friday. 

If your child finds spelling less of a challenge, please feel free to learn some further words from the statutory Y 3/4 list on this page or find further words with same rule or pattern. Finally, please ensure your child understands the meaning of each word and can use it meaningfully in a sentence.


Mathletics activities will be ready to commence on Friday at 3:30pm and will be checked for completion the next Friday. Mathletics passwords have been stuck at the back of your child's reading record.

The children now have Rock Stars passwords. This enables children to become fluent with times tables which underpins so much of the maths that we do. Please encourage them to play in their own time.

If there are any issues, please talk to us or let the office know.

Useful links