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Year 6

Welcome to Year Six!

In Year Six, the team is Mr Mead, Mr Springate, Mrs Turk and Mrs Richards.


Our topic for this term is Rivers. We have lots of exciting things planned for the term ahead.  Aspen's PE days are Monday and Friday.  Willow's PE days are Thursday and Friday.

Our priority is your happiness and well-being.  Parents and carers, if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please don't hesitate to contact the class teacher via email.  We are also always keen for volunteers to help listen to the children read; if you would like to help out then please do contact us.

100 Recommended Reads

At Birdwell, we are passionate about reading but we know it's sometimes tricky to find an age-appropriate book for your child. Please see below our recommended reads for children in Y5/6. We have many of these in our school library.  Some of them are also included in our 'Six Book Challenge'.


We expect children to read regularly at home, both independently and aloud to an adult. Children are expected to complete two short book reviews per term in our class log. 



Over the coming weeks, we will begin to set homework on a Friday.  This will be due in the following Friday.  It will include Mathletics, Times Table Rock Stars, Spellings and something related to the children's literacy lessons.

