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Welcome to Reception!

Our Topic for Term 6 is...

Come Outside!


Throughout this topic we will be learning all about the great outdoors! We will explore plants by planting out our own salad crops and flowers, making observational drawings of plants, and labelling the parts of a plant. We will explore different animals, such as minibeasts and farm animals. We will learn a bit more in depth about bees and butterflies, and will even get to nurture and release our own butterflies at the end of term!


We cannot wait to see all of the magic that this term will bring..!




The Reception Team smiley

Phase 4 Phonics: Common Exception Words


This term we are moving on to the Phase 4 Mastery phonics part of the scheme. This mostly looks at consonant blends, clusters and longer words in sentences.

There are more new CEWs to learn. Please see attached for the ones we will be focussing on.

This Term's Focus Topics, Topic Web, and Knowledge Organiser


Please see below for this term's topic web which gives an outline of some of the learning outcomes for this term. Please also see the knowledge organiser which has some fun facts, definitions and things to look into at home.


Each week we will be focussing on a different topic related to the great outdoors. These will be: Minibeasts, Growing (fruit and veg), Summer, Farm Animals, Bees, Plants (flowers and trees), and Butterflies. 


Dates for your diary:


Thursday 27th June - Chew Valley Visit

Friday 5th July - Sports Day

Friday 12th July - Back-up Sports Day

Wednesday 17th July - Reception End of Year Performance

Tuesday 23rd July - Last Day of Term!

Logistics - Summer outerwear, wellies and water bottles (and provided snacks!)


Water: We encourage the children to drink as much as possible (the more you drink, the more you think!) so thank you for your continued support with sending in named bottles.


Suntan lotion/hats: As the weather warms up, we ask that suntan lotion is applied at home. If you feel it appropriate that it is reapplied during the school day then please send a named bottle of lotion and we will supervise application at appropriate times. 


Wellies: We encourage children to use our outdoor provision to support their learning as much as possible in all weathers and as the Spring can still be wet then we ask wellies are still in school. Please speak to the team if you have any concerns surrounding this. 


Our PE / Outdoor learning days: PE for both classes will be on Mondays and Outdoor learning will be on Wednesdays. Children should come dressed in PE clothes on Mondays. On Wednesday afternoons, Outdoor learning will be based in the forest area or pond area and children should come dressed in comfortable clothes, including waterproofs (depending on weather conditions). Please bring a pair of wellies to be kept in school and if you would like to keep waterproof clothing for Outdoor learning in school, these can be kept in a bag on your child's peg.


Snacks: the children are provided with daily fruit but if you wish to send them in with a fruit snack then you are welcome to. 

Staffing in Reception

The teachers in Beech class are Miss Hunt (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Day (Wed-Fri).

The teacher in Oak class is Mrs Potter.

Our Learning Support Assistants are Mrs Easton and Mrs Walsh. Ms Mer joins us each afternoon.

We work closely as a Reception unit which ensures lots of quality indoor and outdoor activities all year round.

Little Owls high frequency and sight words

The Numberblocks


Place-value basketball

Number bonds to 10 song

