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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

In Year 2 we have a super team!


Miss Rowbottom teaches Chestnut class and Mr Wilmshurst teaches Cedar class. We also have a super team of support staff ... 

Mrs Tancell, Mrs Bamber and Mrs Stones. We are looking forward to a fantastic new term together in Year 2!


Our Term 1 topic is a history-based topic called


'Why was London burning?' 

Please see below for our topic web and our knowledge organiser for this term.

General information


Our planned routine for morning and afternoons is as follows. We ask that you drop your child at the green side gate from 8:45am where they can come into class. Children are expected to be in class ready for registration at 8.55am. In the afternoons, please arrive at the green side gate at 3.20pm where we will release the children to you.

Morning break is from 10.15am to 10.30am and lunchtime is from 11.50pm to 12.40pm. Children in Key Stage 1 have a piece of fruit/vegetable every day at morning break. Children also have the option of having a carton of milk. If you would like your child to have milk, please see the school office. Children not having milk have access to their water bottles. We find that lots of our Year 2s have growing spurts and get extra hungry! If your child would prefer fruit/vegetable from home as a snack, then they may also bring that in to eat during this time.

Please can we also ask that all children have a full change of clothes that can be kept in school on their peg at all times just in case they need it.



Year 2 will have PE on Tuesdays with their class teacher and on Thursdays with the sports coaches and your child will need to wear the Birdwell PE kit on both of these days and appropriate footwear.


Home Learning

We would really like to continue to have a great partnership between school and home, to best support and extend your child’s learning. With that in mind, we would really appreciate your being able to support our Year 2s in the following ways:

  • Reading at least five times a week;
  • Practising weekly spellings (these will be issued on a Thursday);
  • Using our Knowledge Organiser with your child to go over key information.

We understand how incredibly busy it is for everyone, so please don’t feel pressured if there are weeks where this is not possible.


Our partnership with you

We are always appreciative of parents/carers/grandparents coming in to hear readers and very much value the support this gives us. We hope that there will be opportunities during the course of the year where we are in a position to ask for volunteers for other things such as; class trips, cooking and arts and crafts. We will let you know about these things nearer the time. Our school website is updated regularly to help share with you the things that are happening in school. Please take a look at this.


Your children’s happiness and enjoyment at school is the most important thing to us. Therefore, if you have any worries or concerns please do not hesitate to let us know so that we can ensure that any small problems don’t turn into big ones.


We look forward to working alongside you in what we are sure will be a very happy, successful year for your child.


Kind regards,

The Year 2 team  



The Year 2 timetable will typically look like this during Term 1.

In Year 2 we encourage the reading of a wide range of materials, from a wide range of sources. We have a Six Book Challenge designed to inspire pupils to explore some fantastic books that will support our learning throughout the year.


The books are:


George's Marvellous Medicine - Roald Dahl

Beegu - Alexis Deacon

The Big Book of the Blue - Yuval Zommer

A Planet Full of Plastic - Neal Layton

Martin's Mice - Dick King Smith

Poems Aloud - Joseph Coelho & Daniel Grey-Barnett
